Saturday, April 23, 2016


I enrolled in this challenge very late .People had decided on their themes and were ready with most of their posts too! (I assumed this!) This sent me into a panic mode – I have to do so much in such a little time! How will I manage? What shall I do? OMG!!!

Then I calmed myself down, took deep breaths and sat down one night ,just started writing a series of short posts one after other. Next morning I read them…they were utterly boring! Back to square one!!

After continuing in panic mode for two whole days, it dawned on me – I don’t have to write all the posts now ! I am making a simple, enjoyable task into a monumental one! Why see so much ahead and cloud the present?

We do this often in life “So much weight to lose! I will never succeed…Why begin then?” You don’t have to lose all that weight right now…you just have to begin now…Break down this monumental task into a smaller will be surely enjoyable !

Just begin…and continue…you will reach your destination one day ….


  1. Very true! Nice sweet post.
    Here are links to my posts
    Festivals of India – Ramnavmi :
    Poetry – Rejuvenate :

  2. Right approach, Maya.. You success soon sure follows!

  3. Hi Maya, love your blog page and this sweet post! It's always better to start with tiny steps:)
    Sudha from
    Everyday Muse

  4. Wise words! 'The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.'

    Here from the A-Z and wish you all the best for the rest of the challenge.
    Ninja Minion, A-Z 2016

  5. Yes! Tiny portions make it doable!
    (Participating with SEVEN blog sites this year.)

    Thanks for visiting Working in Words - and happy A to Z! Here comes the final week.

  6. Finding your blog for the first time while out blog hopping from North Carolina during the #Challenge before hurrying on to visit as many blogs as possible on Sunday, our day off. As a writer, setting tasks became important when starting to edit both my my novels. It helped keep me focused, When it comes to the #Challenge, my 4th year, my task was to have everything written and in the queue by April 1 with tweaking ahead. It works. If you have interest or time, I have been writing about hotels and inns, the architects and settings. On the letter T day it was about tea at a lovely hotel yesterday. Join me.

  7. You said it, Maya! I needed to hear this today :) Thank you!
