Tuesday, April 5, 2016

D-Dog-eared books

These are simply my favorite kind of books! Well thumbed…well read…well loved! I know, some people hate it, when you do that to books…I have several friends who make it a point to gift me a dozen bookmarks (instead of books!) But I choose to ignore them! (After this confession, none of them will ever lend me a book!)

It is not that I don’t try it…you know, to keep the books pristine and untouched (!) But I keep on losing the bookmarks! Then I use pens, my spectacles, another book…(At least I am not as bad as the person who had used an omelet as a book mark!)

Besides, folding a page feels satisfactory…it means that the book is truly mine!

Perhaps that is why I haven’t bought a Kindle yet! After all, you cannot fold a Kindle, right?


  1. That is the exact same reason I don't own a kindle as well!

  2. You are so right! I do have a Nook Color, however and you can't fold it's corner down either. I do that with real books all the time!

    Paula from
    Smidgen, Snippets, & Bits

  3. Even I don't own a kindle for the same reason:)
    But keeping an omlette as a book mark... OMG! Had me in splits!

    Srivi - AToZChallenge
    The Piscean Me | Twitter

  4. Oh no, I could not fold the pages in a book! Even the thought makes me shudder. I prefer a nice bookmark (and occasionally a receipt or a bit of notepaper) I do like dog-eared covers on books, however, because it tells me that they have been well loved.
