Sunday, April 17, 2016

An abandoned warehouse and an invisible helping hand....

Aha! What a fine evening ! I sense that tonight's the night I was waiting for....Finally I will be to help a person, who is about to commit the deadliest mistake of his life .... thereby I will clear my own path.....freeing myself from this in between state......

Well...if you haven't guessed already , I am a ghost ,a 'bhatakti aatma' as they say in our movies ! ( I was a big fan of Ramsay movies,you see ! ....but never thought would get a chance to act in one of those,,, just joking !) Would you like to hear my story ? No,no... it is not going to be a three hour long horror story fact it is not going to be the usual story of birth, education,success , failure at all is going to be an " AFTER" story...rather than a "BEFORE" story.... My story begins at my death....

I died because ...I killed myself ...right this abandoned warehouse ! I couldn't handle my problems and I took this foolish option . I realised afterwards that the solution was just round the corner , all I needed to do was  wait....but I had no patience....

When I passed over, I realised that , by taking my own life, I have stopped my own progress.I did not learn all that I had to , in this lifetime....patience to wait for the storm to get over.... , faith ...that everything is as it should be,there is a lesson waiting at the end of this suffering...that this suffering is not in vain....,and trust that there is a higher power guiding me,taking care of me...I chose to close my mind and end my life.....

Whatever is the story, the summation is the same... choosing death over life...running away from problems instead of facing them.... Never thinking that there could be a better option .... Even I did the same....

But even now,I have an option to help this person...I can not wipe clean my slate , nor can I wipe the hurt I caused to my dear ones....But by helping this person, I can escape these mansions of Limbo....

This is what I am going to do today, stop at least one person from committing the same mistake that I did...You are asking how ? showing him his life review....showing him the options that are available....What happens if he chooses life and what happens if he chooses death.... I have been given special powers tonight.... by Her !

And then...I will be free , to follow my path...of growth and learning....At some point ,I will chose to come back as a human , to learn the lessons that I ran away from....

And I am sure , I will welcome that..... he this abandoned warehouse....wish me luck , folks !....

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... what is he/she going to do? ~Liz
