Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Nowadays we hardly see a postman.

Nobody writes letters anymore.

I miss those days, when I used to wait for letters from friends and cousins. The postman used to visit between 2.30 and 3 pm every day. No postboxes those days, he used to ring our bell and push the letters through a slit made in the front door. The sound of letters falling on the floor had me running towards the front door. More often than not, the letters where official, boring, but sometimes I used to hit jackpot!

These days, postman come only around Diwali ( That’s the biggest festival in India ) They come asking for “post” ( meaning Baksheesh) …And we give them that , for ( not) delivering letters , that our loved ones ( don’t) write ! 


  1. I get very little mail anymore either. Mainly bills!! I love it when I get a letter!

  2. My son went to college this past fall and every time I sent him something in the mail, I long for the days of receiving handwritten mail!

  3. I started a practice last year of writing one letter a week. The plan was to alternate between writing to two different people. The first thing that amazes me is that I've managed to keep this practice. But, while one recipient is enormously appreciative of my efforts, another responded with "Why don't you just email me?" Needless to say, this second person doesn't receive anymore letters from me.

    Aneeta from
    How to Tell a Great Story
